We are often asked for offprints of some of our
earlier publications. Below is a selection from 1969-1994. |
theory |
application |
experimental |
1969 |
Tatham, M. (1969)
Classifying allophones.
Papers 3, Dept. Language and Linguistics, University of Essex. Also
(1971) Language and Speech 14, 140-145
140KB pdf] |
Tatham, M. (1969)
The control of muscles in speech.
Occasional Papers 3, Dept. Language and Linguistics, University of
Essex [download
157KB pdf] |
Morton, K. (1969)
Control organization in speech:
preliminary report. Occasional Papers 3, Dept. Language and
Linguistics, University of Essex, 41 [download
111KB pdf] |
1970 |
Tatham, M. (1970)
Articulatory speech synthesis by rule:
implementation of a theory of speech production. Report - National
Science Foundation Grant CN-534.1. Also in Working Papers,
Computer and Information Science Research Center, The Ohio State
University [download
225KB pdf] |
Tatham, M. (1970)
Defining the bases of phonetic theory.
Paper read to the summer 1970 meeting of the Linguistic Society of America
at The Ohio State University. Also in Occasional Papers 8, Dept.
Language and Linguistics, University of Essex
116KB pdf] |
Tatham, M. (1970)
Coarticulation and phonetic
competence. Paper read at the Atlantic City meeting of the Acoustical
Society of America, April 1970. Also in Occasional Papers 8, Dept.
Language and Linguistics, University of Essex
94KB pdf] |
Morton, K. and Tatham, M. (1970)
The phonetic component.
Paper read at the spring 1970 meeting of the Linguistics Association of
Great Britain, Manchester. Also in Occasional Papers 8, Department
of Language and Linguistics, University of Essex
100KB pdf] |
Tatham, M. (1970)
Speech synthesis - a critical review
of the state of the art. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies
2, 303-308 [download
133 KB pdf] |
Tatham, M. and Morton, K. (1970)
Explaining some
apparently context sensitive effects in speech. Occasional Papers
9, Dept. Language and Linguistics, University of Essex
150KB pdf] |
Tatham, M. and Morton, K. (1970)
Speech Synthesis and
Models of Speech Production - I. Interim Report - SRC Grant
G/SR/6733 [download
203KB pdf] |
Tatham, M. (1970 - 1971))
A linguistically oriented
approach to speech synthesis by rule. Occasional Papers 12, Dept.
Language and Linguistics, University of Essex 1-9. Paper read to the
Linguistic Society of America, Washington DC, December 1970
114KB pdf] |
1971 |
Tatham, M. (1971)
Model building in phonetic theory.
Language Sciences (revised version of a Forum Lecture given to the
July 1970 meeting of the Linguistic Society of America
135KB pdf] |
Tatham, M. (1971)
The place of electromyography in
speech research. Behavioural Technology 6
[download 107KB pdf] |
Tatham, M. and Morton, K. (1971)
Speech Synthesis and
Models of Speech Production - II. Interim Report - SRC grant
G/SR/6733 [download
215KB pdf] |
1972 |
Tatham, M. and Morton, K. (1972)
Electromyographic and
intraoral air pressure studies of bilabial stops. Occasional Papers
12, Dept. Language and Linguistics, University of Essex
186KB pdf] |
Tatham, M. and Morton, K. (1972)
Context sensitivity in
some electromyographic signals from m. orbicularis oris. Occasional
Papers 12, Department of Language and Linguistics, University of Essex
156KB pdf] |
Tatham, M. and Morton, K. (1972)
/p/ and /pp/ in
Finnish: durations of the voiceless phase in intervocalic contexts.
Occasional Papers 13, Dept. Language and Linguistics, University of
Essex [download
127KB pdf] |
Tatham, M. (1972)
The role of speech synthesis in the
development of phonetic theory. Occasional Papers 12, Dept.
Language and Linguistics, University of Essex, 28-31. Paper delivered to
the VIIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Montréal 22-28th
August 1971 [download
100KB pdf] |
1973 |
Tatham, M. (1973)
Review of J.N. Holmes' 1972 Speech
Synthesis (London: Mills and Boon). Journal of Phonetics 1,
369-373 [download
117KB pdf] |
1975 |
Tatham, M. (1975)
Variability in phonetics.
Papers in Linguistics 4, 47-53 [download
99KB pdf] |
1979 |
Tatham, M. (1979 - 1980)
The linguistic control of
speech production. Occasional Papers 23, Dept. Language and
Linguistics, University of Essex 117-120. Version of a discussion paper
presented at the International Symposium on the Cognitive
Representation of Speech, Edinburgh, July 29 to August 1st 1979
125KB pdf] |
Tatham, M. (1979)
Some problems in phonetic theory.
Current Issues in the Phonetic Sciences. Amsterdam Studies in the
Theory and History of Linguistic Science IV: Current Issues in Linguistic
Theory 9. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 93-106 [download
111KB pdf] |
1980 |
Morton, K. and Tatham, M. (1980)
Devoicing, aspiration
and nasality - cases of universal misunderstanding? Occasional Papers
23, Dept. Language and Linguistics, University of Essex, 90-103
172KB pdf] |
Tatham, M. and Morton, K. (1980)
Occasional Papers 23, Dept. Language and Linguistics, University of
Essex, 104-116 [download
123KB pdf] |
Morton, K. and Tatham, M. (1980)
instructions. Occasional Papers 23, Dept. Language and Linguistics,
University of Essex, 104-116 [download
89KB pdf] |
Morton, K. and Tatham, M. (1980).
Production instructions. Occasional Papers 23. Department of Linguistics,
University of Essex
17.7KB pdf] |
1984 |
Tatham, M. and Morton, K. (1984) Recording and
Displaying Speech. In Code, C. and Ball, M.J. (eds) Experimental
Clinical Phonetics. London: Croom Helm. Revised version:
Tatham, M. and Morton, K. (1997) Recording and Displaying Speech. In M. J.
Ball and C. Code (eds.) Instrumental Clinical Phonetics, 1-21.
London: Whurr Publishers Ltd [download
132KB pdf] |
Morton, K. (1984) Experimental Phonology and
Phonetics. E-textbook, pp. 61 [download
461KB pdf] |
1985 |
Tatham, M. (1985)
An integrated knowledge base for
speech synthesis and automatic speech recognition. Journal of Phonetics
13, 175-188 [download
226KB pdf] |
1986 |
Tatham, M. (1986)
The problem of capturing linguistic
and phonetic knowledge. Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics
8.7, 443-450 [download
162KB pdf] |
1987 |
Morton, K. (1987)
The British Telecom Research
Laboratories text-to-speech synthesis system - 1984-1986, Part I. In
Speech Production and Synthesis, unpublished PhD thesis, University of
Essex, 142-160 [download
325KB pdf] |
Morton, K. (1987)
The British Telecom Research
Laboratories text-to-speech synthesis system - 1984-1986, Part II. In
Speech Production and Synthesis, unpublished PhD thesis, University of
Essex, 161-172 [download
KB 150pdf] |
Morton, K. (1987)
Cognitive phonetics - some of the
evidence. In In Honor of Ilse Lehiste, R. Channon and L. Shockey
(eds.). Dordrecht: Foris Publications [download
106KB pdf] |
Tatham, M. (1987)
Cognitive phonetics - some of the
theory. In In Honor of Ilse Lehiste. R. Channon and L. Shockey
(eds.). Dordrecht: Foris Publications, 271-276 [download
96KB pdf] |
Morton, K. (1987)
SYNTHesis-EXpert: an expert system for
improving naturalness in synthetic speech. Paper read at Expert Systems
87: Brighton, December 1987 and published in Proceedings of Expert
Systems 87 [download
167KB pdf] |
Morton, K. (1987)
Speech production and synthesis - a
commentary. Reproduced from Speech Production and Synthesis
(unpublished PhD thesis, University of Essex), 190-234
179KB pdf] |
Morton, K. (1987)
Early synthesis - an example of
simulation. Reproduced from Speech Production and Synthesis
(unpublished PhD thesis, University of Essex) [download
119KB pdf] |
Morton, K. (1987)
Reasoning devices in synthesis - SYNTH-EX.
Reproduced from Speech Production and Synthesis (unpublished PhD
thesis, University of Essex). An early version of this paper was presented
to the Leeds Experimental Phonetics Symposium September 1986. This
included a demonstration of SYNTH-EX (Morton 1986)
136KB pdf] |
Morton, K. (1987)
The relationship between generative
grammar and a speech production model. Reproduced from Speech
Production and Synthesis (unpublished PhD thesis, University of Essex)
170KB pdf] |
Morton, K. (1987)
Speech production and synthesis -
future development. Reproduced from Speech Production and Synthesis
(unpublished PhD thesis, University of Essex) [download
128KB pdf] |
1988 |
Tatham, M. and Morton K. (1988)
Knowledge representation
and speech production/perception modelling in an artificial intelligence
environment. In W. A. Ainsworth and J.N. Holmes (eds.) Proceedings of
Speech 88 (7th FASE Symposium), 1053-1060. Edinburgh: Institute of
Acoustics [download
167KB pdf] |
Tatham, M. and Morton, K. (1988 and 1997) The
Production and Perception of Speech - a textbook. Colchester:
University of Essex [download
472KB pdf] |
1989 |
Tatham, M. (1989)
Intelligent speech synthesis as part
of an integrated speech synthesis / automatic speech recognition system.
In M. M. Taylor, F. Néel, and D. G. Bouwhuis (eds.) The Structure of
Multimodal Dialogue. Elsevier Science Publishers, 301-312
180KB pdf] |
1990 |
Tatham, M. (1990) Cognitive phonetics. In W. A.
Ainsworth (ed.) Advances in Speech, Hearing and Language Processing 1, 193-218. London: JAI Press [download
161KB pdf] |
Morton, K, Garrihy, G, and Coulson, M. (1990)
Connectionist Models for Language Processing. Final Project Report,
1-50. Martlesham: BT Labs |
Morton, K. and Wilson, W. (1990) Reconsideration of
the Action Theory perspective on speech motor control. In Clinical
Linguistics and Phonetics 4:4. London: Taylor |
Morton, K. (1990) Simulating naturalness in synthetic
speech. In R. Lawrence (ed.) Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics.
St Albans: Institute of Acoustics |
Morton, K., Garrihy, G., O'Connor, A. and Walker, G.
(1990) Synthesis Assessment - Project Report: Part 1, 1-50.
Martlesham: BT Labs |
Morton, K. (1992)
PALM: psychoacoustic language
modeling. Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics 16.6, 189-197
187KB pdf] |
Tatham, M. and Lewis, E. (1992)
Prosodic assignment in
SPRUCE text-to-speech synthesis. Proceedings of the Institute of
Acoustics 14.6, 447-454 [download
153KB pdf] |
1991 |
Lewis, E. and Tatham, M. (1991) SPRUCE - a new
text-to-speech synthesis system. Proceedings of Eurospeech ’91,
976-981. Genoa: European Speech Communication Association |
Tatham, M. (1991) Units of representation for
speech synthesis. In R. Lawrence (ed.) Proceedings of the Institute
of Acoustics, Vol. 13 Part II. St Albans: Institute of Acoustics
[download 55KB pdf] |
Morton, K. (1991) Expectations for assessment
techniques applied to speech synthesis. In R. Lawrence (ed.) Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics. St Albans: Institute of
Acoustics [download
68KB pdf] |
Morton, K. (1991) Expectations for academic and
industrial co-operation in linguistic processing: invited keynote plenary
address. In Proceedings of Linguistics Engineering 91. Nanterre:
Editions Colloques et Conseil |
Morton, K., Garrihy, G., O'Connor, A. and Walker, G.
(1991) Synthesis Assessment - Project Report: Part 2, 1-40.
Martlesham: BT Labs |
Morton, K., Garrihy, G., O'Connor, A. and Walker, G.
(1991) Synthesis Assessment - Project Report: Part 3, 1-50. Martlesham: BT Labs
Morton, K., Garrihy, G., O'Connor, A. and Walker, G.
(1991) Synthesis Assessment - Project Report: Part 4 (final), 1-55.
Martlesham: BT Labs |
Morton, K. and Tatham, M. (1996).
Natural voice output
in interactive information systems. Proceedings of the Institute of
Acoustics 18 [download
128KB pdf] |
1992 |
Morton, K. (1992) Pragmatic phonetics. In W. A.
Ainsworth (ed.) Advances in Speech, Hearing and Language Processing, 17-55. London: JAI Press [download
2020KB pdf] |
Morton, K. (1992) PALM: psychoacoustic spoken
language modelling. In Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics.
St Albans: Institute of Acoustics [download
58KB pdf] |
Morton, K. (1992) Adding emotion to synthetic speech
dialogue systems. In Proceedings of the International Conference on
Spoken Language Processing. Banff: ICSLP |
Tatham, M. and Morton, K. (1992) Evaluation of the
CNET PSOLA Synthesis System. Report commissioned by France Télécom,
1-35. Lannion: Centre National des Etudes Téléphoniques |
Tatham, M. (1992) Generating natural-sounding synthetic speech from text.
In Voice Systems Worldwide, 1-17. New York: Media Dimensions
Tatham, M. and Lewis, E. (1992) Prosodic assignment
in SPRUCE text-to-speech synthesis. In R. Lawrence (ed.) Proceedings of
the Institute of Acoustics 14, 447-454. St. Albans: Institute of
Acoustics [download
57KB pdf] |
Tatham, M. and Lewis, E. (1992) Prosodics in a syllable-based
text-to-speech synthesis system. In Proceedings of the 1992
International Conference on Spoken Language Processing. Banff: ICSLP |
1993 |
Tatham, M. and Lewis, E. (1993) A
generic front-end for text-to-speech synthesis systems. In
Proceedings of Eurospeech '93, 913-918. Berlin: European Speech
Communication Association |
Tatham, M. (1993) Voice output for human-machine interaction. In C. Baber
and J. Noyes (eds.) Interactive Speech Technology. 25-35. London:
Taylor and Francis |
Tatham, M. (1993) Representation and accessing of linguistic knowledge in
simulations of language behaviour. In E. Nissan (ed.) Advances in
Computing and the Humanities 1-52. New York: JAI Press |
Morton, K. and Tatham, M. (1993) Speech synthesis in dialogue systems. In
Proceedings of Eurospeech 93, 905-910. Berlin: European Speech
Communication Association [download
39KB pdf] |
Morton, K. (1993) A formalism for the development of media techniques
within multimedia systems. Proceedings of the International Symposium
on Multimedia Technologies and Future Applications, 41-49.
Southampton: University of Southampton |
1994 |
Tatham, M. (1994) The supervision of speech
production: an issue in speech theory. In R. Lawrence (ed.) Proceedings
of the Institute of Acoustics 16, 171-182. St. Albans: Institute of
Acoustics [download
102KB pdf] |
Morton, K. (1994) A formal model for multimedia
presentation. In R. Damper et al. (eds.) Multimedia Technologies and
Future Applications, 191-209. London: Pentech Press [download
81KB pdf] |